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Friends & Supporters

Bar-Ilan’s community of supporters is advancing shared goals for Israel and ensuring impact for all humanity.

Buildings and Grounds

Andrew Amsel Living Trust

Anonymous, USA

Paul & Pearl Caslow Foundation

Alberto Dayan

The Feldman Family

Friedman Family Charitable Trust

David and Susan Gradel

Elias Harari

Leo and Beatriz Kryss

Robert Korda

B.L. Manger Foundation

Picciotto Family

Edmond De Rothschild Foundation

Family of Milan and Blanca Roven z”l

Avi Stern

The Dyna and Fala Weinstock Charitable Trust

Research and discovery

Adar Foundation

The Adelis Foundation

Sam and Ruth Alter

Anonymous, South Africa

The Applebaum Foundation

Arnon, Tadmor-Levy Law Firm

Azrieli Foundation

The Hans & Gini Bachrach Foundation Pty. Ltd.

Barnea & Co. Law Firm

The Russell Berrie Foundation

Jeffrey Bly & Janice Feldberg-Bly

Boehringer Ingelheim

Dr. Arik Carasso

Delek US

The Estate Committee – Ministry of Justice

The Exilarch’s Foundation- Dangoor Family

The Forum of Companies Leadership for Growth and Employment, ltd

Jayme Garfinkel

Goldfarb Seligman Law Firm

Jonathan Goler and Jeff Mandelcorn

Harvey Goodstein Charitable Foundation

The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust

Herzog Fox  & Neeman Law Firm

Nathan Hetz

S.Horowitz & Co Law Firm

KKL – The estate of the late Yona Kirschenbaum

Alexander Kofkin

The Koschitzky Family

David Lafer

The Joseph Lebovic Charitable Foundation and The Dr. Wolf Lebovic Charitable Foundation

Frank and Dr. Kerri Lee (The Elias, Genevieve and Georgianna Atol Charitable Trust)

M.E.H. Fund (a fund in memory of the late Margot and Ernst Hamburger)

Meitar Law Firm

Metropia Limited Partnership and Howard Sokolowski

The L.A. Pinkus Foundation

Salomon Saba

The Sagol Family

Yaakov Shahar, Mayer Cars and Trucks co. Ltd

Harold Spring and Francesca Trotta

Norman and Johanne Sternthal

Romie and Esther Tager

David and Bernice Walerstein

The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust

The Wolfson Foundation

Yandex Israel Ltd

Alan and Lori Zekelman

Georgi Zer

The Mortimer B. Zuckerman Foundation

Community Impact and Emergency Pocus campaign

Stephanie and Gilad Abrahami

ADI System Ltd

Congregation Adat Yeshurun, La Jolla

Joseph Alexander Foundation

Anonymous, Australia

Arkin Family Foundation

Association For Blind and Prevention of Blindness

Aviv Foundation

Leticia and Eduardo Azar Foundation

Bader Philanthropies

Bank Leumi Le Israel B.M

The David Berg Foundation

Arthur P. Bernstein and Patricia H. McCall

The Aaron and Marie Blackman Foundation

The Brachfeld Family

Sara O. Briller

Yoel Carasso – Beyachad foundation

Dayan Family

Sir Mick and Lady Barbara Davis

The Desmond Foundation

Alan and Sheila Diamond Charitable Trust

Meny Dolev

Tuvia Erlich

The Eventhall Family Charitable Trust

The Fineberg Foundation

Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America

Irving Harris Foundation

Hitter Family Foundation

ICA – the Jewish Charitable Association


Emanuel Kronitz

Manuel Lafer

Lautman Foundation

The Arnold Lee Charitable Trust

Danny and Noemie Lopian

Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Mizrahi Tefahot Bank LTD

Max Moryoussef

The Irving I. Moskowitz Foundation

David Muskal

The Mutley Foundation

Dr. Gitta Nagel

Novo Nordisk

Nusbaum Family in memory of Irving and Barbara Nusbaum

Gail Propp and Family

Dr. Marc and Karen Rivo

Sir Bernard and Lady Karen Rix

Ronald Roadburg Foundation

David Rubner

Sam and Dora Ruvkun Advanced Planning Endowment for Projects


Philip Shapiro

Jane Stern Lebell

Jerome L. Stern Family Foundation

Fred and Bonnie Sternberg

Lillian and Moises Tabacinic

Elliot Tannenbaum

Trump Family Foundation

The Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust

Weil Family

Freddy Zinger

Scholarships and Students Services and Emergency campaign

Martin and Dr. Susan Adelman

Roger Ades

Samuel Alfille

Avraham and Yehudit Alkos

Altshuler-Shaham Investment House

Eduardo Amkie

Anonymous USA

Anonymous, Israel

Moises Askenazi


Elkanan Avilev

The Grace Shua and Jacob Ballas Charitable Trust

Shlomo Bar

Gabi Barone

Roni Benin-Bar

Dennis and Edith Berger

Binah Charitable Foundation

David Bissu

B’nai B’rith France

Esme & Kalman Bookman Jerusalem

Braman Family Foundation

Israel and Henia Breslauer

Gabi Buganim

Caspa Family Office

Jaime Cohen

The Gabi Cohen Foundation for Higher Education

Elias Mizrahi Cojab

Helel Cojab

Jacobo Cojab Hilwani

Cross River Sophie Hodaya Trakht Scholarship Foundation for Excellence

Crown Family Philanthropies

The Haron Dahan Foundation

The Deutsch Family Foundation

Jaime Dichi

David Diesendruk

Zoltan Erenyi Charitable Fund

Daniel Ezban

Isaac Ezban

Leonardo James Genis Ghelman

Alexander Grass Foundation

Claudio Andre Halaban

Steve Halaj

Ariel Hamoui

Paul and Edwina Heller Fund

Hermatik Trust Services

Stephen M. and Mindy Hoffman

Iranian American Jewish Federation of New York

The ISEF Foundation

Howard S. and Deborah Jonas Foundation

Dov Kahana

Marcelo Kalim

Harvey and Dr. Helene Kaminski

Estate of Deborah Kaufman


The Philip and Harriet Klein Foundation

Frank and Kerri Lee (J. Samuel Harwit Z”L and Manya Harwit-Aviv Charitable Trust)

Jacques Lerner

Beverly Lewin

Local and Regional Municiplaities

Beny Majtlis and Monique Majtlis Hara

Malam Team

Medison Pharma

Denny Michan

Isaac Michan

Conrad Morris Foundation

Moshal Program

Meyer Joseph Nigri


Jose Picciotto

Reality Investment Funds

Avi Renner

Ingeborg and Ira Leon Rennert

Robert Rom

The Gerald and Gail Ronson Family Foundation

Ann Rosenberg

Steven and Ruthy Rosenberg

The Martin S. Rothman Fund

The scholarship in memory of Noam Rozenboim

Albert Ruben

Israel Sadovitch

Salomon Sadovitch

Eli A. Scherr

Alice Schoenfeld

The Schulich Foundation

Keren Shalem Foundation

Daniel and Andrea Shindleman

Leonard J. and Ethel H. Smith Charitable Foundation

Axel Springer Foundation

StarkWare Industries

Irving I. Stone Foundation

Susan Sverner

Anita Taub

Teófilo (Tofi) Turquíe Cohen

Sharon Wagner

The Weisfeld Family Charitable Foundation

Gil White

Dr. Yosef and Aliza Zadok

Zekelman Family

Shimshon Zelig LTD

Zerem Lamishpachot (R.A.)

Jewish Identity

Eric and Judy Breuer

Marcos Metta Cohen

Gewurz family

Dr. David Jeselsohn

Drs. Mordecai z”l and  Monique Katz

Dr. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz

Ephraim Kriel

The Matanel Foundation

The Posen Foundation


Yehudit Rachmani

Estate of Kurt Rothschild

Selim Salti

Schusterman Family Philanthropies

The Sieratzki Family Charitable Trust

Haim Taib – Menomadin Foundation

UJA Federation of New York

Vital Transformation

Yad Hanadiv

Notable Gifts

The partners who are enabling our discoveries, innovations and education of a new generation, -and who, this year in particular, helped support our emergency campaigns.

Making Point-of-Care Everywhere:

The Campaign for Portable Ultrasound Devices

Recognizing that a rapid diagnosis is key to decreasing rates of mortality, Bar-Ilan spearheaded a successful campaign in the first weeks of the war to purchase more than 200 point-of-care ultrasound devices (POCUS) for distribution to combat medics. At a cost of $4,000 each, POCUS devices enable the accurate diagnosis and treatment of injuries at the front lines, and help determine the process for evacuation and prioritization by subsequent teams. In addition to the devices’ distribution, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine doctors and graduate students trained IDF combat medics in the use of this life-saving tool.

Holding the Financial Front Line:

Scholarships for Reservists

By means of a $4.3 million emergency fund raised by its global network of supporters, Bar-Ilan provided scholarships and other financial benefits to the nearly 4,000 students who were drafted into reserve duty. Grants were provided to all students who served, with the option of applying the funds to tuition, housing, psychological services, and academic tutoring. Along with support for reservists, the University also provided grants to students displaced from their homes in both the South and the North.

collage of Israeli soldiers

Battle of Identifies:

The High School Program for Leadership and Law

Funded by a major gift from the Faculty of Law’s Menomadin Center for Jewish and Democratic Law and a grant by the Jane Stern Lebell Community Impact Fund, and run by center Director Elad Caplan, the High School Program for Leadership and Law brought together more than 300 teens from five schools this past winter to create a bridge between Israel’s Jewish and democratic identities. Using foundational citizenship texts, including Israel’s Declaration of Independence and Supreme Court verdicts, as the basis for informed conversation, law faculty students trained in mediation helped groups of religious and secular Jews and Jewish and Arab Israelis engage in respectful dialogue—despite disagreements, and from a shared perspective.