Message from the Rector
While Bar-Ilan leadership strives to instil the vision and provide the conditions for outstanding education and research, it is ultimately our faculty members who determine our level of excellence and impact. As the following list of accomplishments by those same faculty members makes clear, Bar-Ilan is privileged to be home to exceptionally talented academics who actively seek to make a difference—on the lives of their students, in Israeli society, for the Jewish people, and for the world at large. It is my honor as rector, on behalf of the president and all of the University’s leadership, to congratulate these researchers and scholars and thank them for making Bar-Ilan the transformative institution it is today.
Prof. Amnon Albeck
Prizes and Awards
Faculty Members
Bar-Ilan warmly congratulates its faculty members for being recognized by means of the following awards and honors:
Prof. Zeev Zalevsky,
dean of the Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering, on receiving the 2023 IEEE Photonics Society Laser Instrumentation Award.Dr. Nitzan Gonen
of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences on being awarded the Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research.Prof. Emeritus Eytan Gilboa
of the Department of Political Science and the School of Communication on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Israeli Association for International Studies for his significant contribution to the study of international relations in Israel and abroad.Prof. Emeritus Shlomo Havlin
of the Department of Physics on receiving a medal from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.Prof. Emeritus Nissan Rubin
of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology on receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Israeli Anthropological Association.Dr. Tzafrir Barzilay
of the Department of General History on being awarded the Salo W. Baron Prize by the American Academy for Jewish Research, and the 2023 Jordan Schnitzer Book Award in the category of Medieval and Early Modern Jewish History and Culture for his book Poisoned Wells: Accusations, Persecution, and Minorities in Medieval Europe, 1321-1422.Prof. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov
of the Faculty of Law on being selected to the board of the International Association of Legislation.Prof. Sharon Gannot
of the Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering on being selected to chair the Data Science Initiative of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and on his appointment as a founding member of a new initiative by the SPS Education Center’s Editorial Board for gathering and making accessible educational material in signal processing and machine learning.Dr. Limor Lavie
of the Department of Arabic on being awarded the Bernard Lewis Prize by the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) in Washington, D.C.Dr. Moran Yadid
of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on receiving a 2023-24 Zuckerman Faculty Grant.Prof. Cyrille Cohen
of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences on his appointment as board member and head of the Israel Science Foundation’s medical and biological fields.Prof. Yoav Goldberg
of the Department of Computer Science,Dr. Tali Gazit
of the Department of Information Science,Dr. Ella Glikson
of the School of Business Administration, andDr. Ido Hartogsohn
of the Program for Science, Technology, and Society, on being selected to the Young Scholars Forum in the Humanities and Social Sciences for 2023-24.Dr. Ella Klik
of the Program for Commentary and Culture Studies on being awarded a 2023-24 Azrieli Faculty Fellowship.Dr. Manal Totry-Jubran
of the Faculty of Law on being awarded a Michael Biron Cegla Young Faculty Prize for Outstanding Paper.Prof. Basilius Bawardi
of the Department of Arabic on being awarded a prize by the Ministry of Culture and Sport in recognition of his contribution to the field of Arabic literature.Prof. Elad Ben-Dror
of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies on being awarded the 2022-23 Yitzhak Ben-Zvi Prize for his book Road to Partition: UNSCOP and the Beginning of United Nations Involvement in the Israel-Arab Conflict.Eliaz Cohen
of the Department of Comparative Literature on receiving the Levi Eshkol Award for Hebrew Literary Works.Prof. Shmuel Feiner
of the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry on being elected to the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.Prof. Sarit Kraus
of the Department of Computer Science on receiving the prestigious IJCAI Award for Research Excellence.Dr. Hanan Herzig Sheinfux
of the Department of Physics on being awarded a four-year support grant for young faculty members in quantum technologies.Dr. Hillel Mali
of the Zalman Shamir Department of Bible,Dr. Binyamin Knisbacher
of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, andDr. Rotem Kahalon
of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on being awarded a 2023-24 Alon Scholarship.Prof. Shlomo Shpiro
of the Department of Political Science and the School of Communication on his appointment to Germany’s commission to reappraise the attack on Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.Prof. Tamar Wolf-Monzon
of the Joseph and Norman Berman Department of Jewish Literature of the Jewish People on her appointment to the Board of Directors of the National Library of Israel.Profs. Noa Vilchinsky
andRivka Tuval-Mashiach
of the Department of Psychology.Prof. Ronit Kark
of the Department of Psychology on being awarded the Anna Boyksen Fellowship from Technical University of Munich’s Graduate School for a female researcher with outstanding achievements in the study of gender and diversity.Prof. Ilanit Hasson-Ohayon
andRonit Kark
of the Department of Psychology;Prof. Ehud Bodner
of the Department of Social and Health Sciences;Profs. Liat Ayalon
,Rachel Dekel
,Orit Taubman-Ben-Ari
, andJonathan Rabinowitz
of the Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work;Prof. Chaim Noy
of the School of Communication;Prof. Jonathan Fox
of the Department of Political Science;Prof. Onn Shehory
of the School of Business Administration;Profs. Shira Offer
andLarissa Remnick
of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology on their inclusion in the list of standardized citation indicators of the Elsevier and Stanford University data repositories.Postdoctoral and Graduate Students
Bar-Ilan is proud of its postdoctoral and graduate students for being recognized by means of the following awards and honors:
Noy Dekel
,Yifat Levy
,Mariam Masalha
, andAdi Kaplan Irani
of the Department of Arabic on being awarded a 2023-24 Scholarship for Outstanding Research Students in Language and Literature from the Arabic Language Academy.Shira Ben-Simon
of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on being awarded the 2023-24 Prof. Nehemia Levtzion Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students from the Periphery.Dr. Reut Zabag
of the Department of Psychology,Dr. Rhona Burns
of the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry,Dr. Bnaya Gross
of the Department of Physics, andSalwa Kaiyal
of the Conflict Management, Resolution, & Negotiation Program on being awarded a 2023-24 Fulbright Scholarship for postdoctoral researchers.Aviv Slobodkin
,Royi Rassin
,Alon Arab
, andEran Hirsch
of the Department of Computer Science andRomi Goldner Kabeli
of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences on being awarded the three-year, 5th Annual Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students in Data Science from the Israel Council for Higher Education.Miriam Shirel Karmon
of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences on being awarded a 2023-24 Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students from Haredi Society.Esther Metuko
of the Department of Criminology andBerhe Meklit
of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences on being awarded a 2022-23 Scholarship for Master’s Degree with Thesis for Outstanding Students of Ethiopian Descent.Reut Plen
andDafna Levenberg
of the Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering on being awarded a 2023-24 Scholarship for Outstanding Women Doctoral Students in High-Tech Professions.Dr. Ariel Friedman
of the Department of Chemistry on being selected as a 2023-24 Zuckerman STEM Leadership Postdoctoral Scholar.Shira Kashnowand
andSharon Cohen
of the Department of Psychology andAharon Levy
of the Louis and Gabi Weisfeld School of Social Work on being awarded a 2023-24 Scholarship for Master’s Degree with Thesis for Outstanding Students from Haredi Society.Hiba Bishara
andSalma Halabi
of the Department of English Literature and Linguistics andJawan Zeibaq
andSaja Dabah
of the School of Optometry and Vision Science on being awarded a 2023-24 Scholarship for Master’s Degree with Thesis for Outstanding Students from Arab Society.Odeya Shaz
of the Department of Middle Eastern Studies,Annette Landes-Nagar
of the Martin (Szusz) Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, andOmer Ahituv
of the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry on being awarded the 2023-24 Rotenstreich Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students in the Humanities.Anat Lifshitz
of the Faculty of Law,Asil Mansour Iraqi
of the Department of Social and Health Sciences, andMiriam Kakon
of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on being awarded a President of the State of Israel Scientific Excellence and Innovation Grant.Sapir Weitz Sobelman
of the Department of Physics on being awarded a 2023-24 Azrieli Graduate Studies Fellowship in the natural sciences.Yishai Klein
of the Department of Physics on being awarded a 2023-24 Fellowship for Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellows from Haredi Society.Israel’s Computer Science Olympics team
—part of Bar-Ilan’s Future Scientists Center—and its coachDr. Avshalom Elmalech
on winning three gold medals.