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Research & Innovation

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Accelerating Research Discoveries

ERC Grantees

Among the 400 winners of this year’s prestigious European Research Council (ERC) grants from universities across Europe were three Bar-Ilan scientists, whose nearly €5.6 million in funding will help build a research foundation for novel cancer treatments and solutions to basic problems in the pharmaceutical industry.

One Small Cut, One Giant Leap for Medicine

Breakthrough Treatment for Genetic Disorders

A pioneer in the field of CRISPR—a revolutionary technology that allows scientists to precisely cut and modify specific bits of DNA inside the cell—Prof. Ayal Hendel developed a treatment for a rare genetic disorder, transforming what a death sentence into hope for a normal life.

One Small Cut, One Giant Leap for Medicine - Ayal and staff on lab
Avi ShmFragmentidman with Fragment

Cracking the Hebrew Code

Developments in the Digital Humanities

By building AI tools that can navigate the notoriously ambiguous Hebrew language, the linguist, computer scientist, and scholar of medieval Jewish texts Dr. Avi Shmidman is enabling new avenues of inquiry and new perspectives on Jewish life throughout history. 

Footloose and Eyewear Free

Nanotechnology for Vision Correction
Through his first-of-its-kind, cost-effective, and safe nanotechnology, Prof. Zeev Zalevsky is bringing eyewear- and surgery-free visual correction into sight.
Footloose and Eyewear Free Lab Group
Nitzan in Lab Credit to Haaretz and Tomer Appelbaum

Generating Hope

Breakthrough Treatment for Male Infertility

Krill Prize-winner Dr. Nitzan Gonen has successfully grown mice testicles in a laboratory, a development that can elucidate the process of human sex determination—and provide new hope for the problem of male infertility.

Data-Driven Solutions

Developments in Data Science

From finding the last million Holocaust victims to finding the right cancer drug, Bar-Ilan’s world leaders in data science are using AI to ensure a stronger and healthier future—and to preserve our past, as well.

hand pointing a data stream, letters and numbers
solar panels on a field

Fulfilling Ben-Gurion’s Dream

Developments in Sustainable Energy

David Ben-Gurion once declared that the survival of Israel depended on three things: security, access to water, and independence in energy. Thanks to Bar-Ilan’s unparalleled excellence in national energy research, the Jewish state is getting closer to achieving this dream.

Rising to the Northern Challenge

The Russell Berrie Galilee Diabetes SPHERE
To enable northern cities to protect and serve their residents as Israel faces a multi-front war, SPHERE—Bar-Ilan’s ambitious initiative to move the needle on diabetes in the Galilee—deployed an emergency-response platform that connects all players in a local ecosystem for an optimized health and social-welfare response.
two hands using debates device
bulb light with colors splash

Unleashing the Innovation

UnBox Ventures
Thanks to UnBox’s problem-centric approach to creating companies, a Bar-Ilan business PhD and network-science researcher are helping American operating rooms use their resources more efficiently. Coming soon to a hospital near you.